Monday, June 8, 2015

Louder Than a Bomb

Right now I am confident.

I am confident because I finally completed the most awaited event in my college history: my portfolio preparation review. This was more nerve wracking than the actual portfolio class because if I pass this then I go into the portfolio class confident, and with not much work left.

I passed the class.

Everyone at the table inside the portfolio prep review praised my work. They all sat happily listening to my work. They listened to me talking about my passion for my major. They listened to me talking about my favorite projects, they were actually interested! This was a huge confidence booster. I worked for so long to achieve this goal. I have worked on some of these projects for years and finally polished everything for my portfolio. I am beyond ecstatic that someone would find my work enjoyable.

I have compared some of my work with some of my peers and although I know that I still need lots of practice and experience, I am very comfortable at the position I am in. I have a job as an audio technician. I have two band albums under my belt and I even recorded a mariachi. I have done a series of short films and I'm currently another one and have been booked for a feature film at the end of the year. I am very happy at the opportunities I've had in the past few months; and now more than ever, I have seen my growth since day one definitely pay off.

I am now calm.

Just a few days ago, I could not sleep, I had forgotten about the existence of food, and I focused my whole being in finishing my work. I did the best I could. My website, collateral and paperwork for my portfolio look just the way I pictured, with a clean minimalist look that represents my brand. My reel sounds better than I hoped and it looks way better than I ever thought it would. Now I’m at the homestretch. I am a quarter off from finishing; its now time to buy all my materials and focus on growing as a brand and a business.

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